William Gibson Wiki

A consortium that contains corporate data library which files constructs of all important personalities. Although Dixie Flatline didn't sit still to have his memory recorded, Sense/Net paid him a lot to make a construct of him before his death.

Their nexus is the Sense/Net Pyramid in the Sprawl, and there is also a complex in Los Angeles.

After the theft of Dixie's construct, Sense/Net cooperate with the Turing Police to locate Armitage and his team. After his arrest, the Turings planned to erase the construct with a pulse weapon, as the Sense/Net were "in some difficulty already, for having owned such a thing."

After Neuromancer[]

Sense/Net was a major player in the world of SimStim, with Tally Isham on their celebrity roster. The SimStim scene changed over the years, with the "Net" signing younger stars like Angie Mitchell and Robin Lanier.
